In order to understand what this article is about I allowed myself to give another title to each chapters.
My goal is to provide a different view on past, present and future events other than that that the mainstream media outlets are so widely publishing all over the world. It is a big mess. I agree but if we take a step back maybe it will be less messy to understand what is going on...
So, how can you win a war on a religion? That is not a country. It isn't easy to defeat an enemy if it is an enemy at all. Maybe this so called war on Terror is not even a war against a real enemy? By the way even if it is for fact an enemy then how do you find it? Where do you find a religion? And if let's say you could manage to find your enemy then how do you deal with a Religion? Surely you won't be successful by killing a believer as we all know if there is a believer killed by an enemy force that believer will be a Martyr a hero in the eyes of others with same Religious views. So, that is a no win solution but then how?
Maybe I should start right in the middle... just to get you up in to the reality from dreamland, at least those of you that still believes Oswald killed JFK, and Osama Bin Laden did 9/11 and the few thousands scientists, engineers, pilots and teachers are all wrong because NIST (Official Report of 9/11) was right all along and these truthers are crazy. If you think so you missed quite a bit from the past 30 years about 99% you don't know about that happened and even if you do know something that is most likely wrong. So to try to fill these gaps I just drop you my reader right into the middle of our currently infolding history.
Once upon a time in Yemen someone said there were errors with the coordinates and wrong GPS data but in war, if there would be a war between USA and Yemen... unfortunately there are no war officially yet there are collateral damage, in this case these small victims are the lucky ones as their little young dead bodies could be identified while the other victims were blown to small pieces like an apple in size so they weren't lucky as much as the children below:
Click for more information and names regarding the victims of the US Airstrike on Al Majalah, Yemen
And it was said righteously so in the movie Dirty Wars directed by Jeremy Scahill about al Majalah a small village in Yemen where US airstrikes killed 44 innocent lives including 21 women and 12 children, and something like this was said by a former US special intelligence analyst "Every Lion of Allah killed by a drone or US airstrikes will be considered a Martyr by his supporters and 10 or 50 or 100 new Lions will join their cause because of his death..." - so what did we just do here? We killed one and created maybe 100 more enemies? Yes. That is the case. While in the wake of 9/11 in 2011 no one exactly knew what was going on it seems to be there were some guys that knew what to do. Invade Iraq! False narrative, all big media channels parroted the same lies about WMD's and hidden nuclear weapons and so on and so forth. In the vote at that historical time of crime only 23 voted against the invasion of Iraq. Only 23 senators. If there will be ever justice served in this world then those 23 names will be heard and shell never be forgot as they stood firm against a crime and their position was justified by the US Constitution. Yet we have not been told their names but we know many names of those that voted YES for the aggression against Iraq based on fabrication and lies. Names like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, etc.

US Senate votes 77 voted Yes for War in Iraq and 23 voted No for War that 23 should be always remembered, while the others in the 77 well, I wouldn't be in their shoes when St Peter opens the door of Truth and Justice the way to either Heaven or Hell. All Republican voted Yes except one Chafee (R-RI) was alone among 22 Democrats. And lets leave like that.
Moqbil Abu-Lukaish sits on remnants of one of the Tomahawk cruise missiles launched by the US Navy that struck al-Majalah on December 17, 2009
Now let's review that earlier mentioned comment from the movie about Al Majalah, where so many died in 2009. Yes it was in 2009 and no it was not needed to be approved by anyone or no votes like back in the old days in the questions of invade or not to invade Iraq. Yemen was bombed numerous times by American Drones, US Navy etc even we all know that US did not declare war or was not in war with Yemen. US just bombed Yemen. US killed many innocent citizens in Yemen including American citizens. And it is called in the world where I live in a crime, homicide and conspiracy to murder. Now forget about titles, ranks and just see the actions and the results of these actions. In the White House few men decide to kill another few men in some other country called Yemen and they send their Navy that has the most advanced weaponry like Cruise Missiles and shoot some on their targets which results ultimately in death of some people in the case of Al Majalah for example something went wrong, old intelligence information, wrong GPS coordinates and the US Cruise Missiles hit a small poor if not the poorest beduin-like Village and killed 40+ human beings in their sleep with all their animals around.
The missiles aren't only killing humans. Many goats died too that night and after the blasts some local villagers went to see what happened and tried to help but there was no one to save. The US Cruise Missile did exactly what it was made for, total destruction of anything, anybody and chopped into small pieces every single souls that was in the area that faithful night on that far away mountain of Yemen. No one survived that crime. The human remains were mixed up with the animals and it made very difficult to even differentiate between human flesh or goat remains. It was just one example of lawlessness in the US power structure where no one ever will be held responsible for anything since John F Kennedy died. It is like an unwritten law in US politics no matter how big is the destruction, how many lives lost, what horrible consequences would follow no one ever will be held responsible for their actions. Nixon was impeached or resigned or whatever but Ford gave him pardon even if Nixon never expressed remorse or accepted his guilt fully and these two things are a necessary factors for a Presidential Pardon. So if we know this all, and also know that a former intelligence officer commented that with every single action US makes just creates more and more enemies, more chaos, more damage, more instability, more refugees, more poverty, more deaths on both sides. But what is the other side? Who do we fight this war? Where is our enemy? In Yemen? Or in Iraq? Or in Syria lately? It did not get any better after Libya either in fact if anything that was a huge amount oil to the fire to remove and murder Colonel Gaddafi. Every logical person would agree with if Libya becomes a failed state that means the door would be open from Africa to Europe. Yet we had not a single one logically thinking person in charge with sense of reality.
Smell of sulphur... - never forget these comments from the great Revolutionary Hugo Chavez, he died and I believe like many others he was killed but the fact is the smell is the same since Nixon to Obama. Reality is dead and decomposing.
How did US ended up here? That is what I will try to figure out for you in the following writings. In order to understand the how, and the why parts of the questions we need to look back on the history of the last 100 years. Sykes and Picot draw boarders in the Middle East without even understanding anything about what they were actually doing. The Allies also draw their maps in the World War No.1 that directly led to the World War No.2 and the Allies still didn't learn from their previous mistakes and draw maps and boarders all around. Created new countries and deleted old ones. This is that led us directly here where we are now today. Okay, some more details and fact for you below to see it for real and for close.
Meet the Bin Laden Family in Sweden 1971 before Osama started to work for the CIA he was a quiet good boy:
This is a close up from the same image with Osama in the middle:
Then this Emperor hired him to do some odd jobs for his company called CIA in Afghanistan but they had to keep a record of their employees in the region so they made a data base in translation Al-Quaeda that was a data base of those employed by the great Emperor below and the face is just easily can be replaced to any former US President:
The teenage boy was transformed after he started to work for the Emperor and the picture below shows him as he was allegedly last seen by Seal Team 6. Unfortunately it cannot be confirmed as all former members of Seal Team 6 died in an accident. Sad, and unfortunate coincidence.
Chapter 1.
Hero and Villains
If this would be a movie then let see the title and who is playing who:
USA in war with a Religion called Islamist Extremism or Radical Islam or Houti Islam or Shia Islam or evil Muslims or evil Saudi Muslims with box cutters, Muslim Savages in Iraq and else
In the leading roles as follows:
US Army and US Politicians are the role of the Hero Freedom Fighters
Caliphate based on Salafism and the Sunni guys are in the role of the Villains
and We the People... in the role of the on-lookers or audience
Stuntmen and character roles:
Bad evil Vietnamese land-workers, farmers, labourers, very poor old men and women in dirt and children in dirt and poverty
Russian Federation in the role of "The every problem blamed on them guys"
Carl Marx is evil Carl Marx as he wanted to share the wealth equally (Who would do such stupidity not with my own brother, mother or family won't do share equally anything if I can just take all and murder them or en-slave them if I can't murder them!)
Jesus the son of Mary and allegedly God in the role of the first evil Communist as he also wanted to share his wine and bread with his friends equally so he is very evil in fact
Mohammed the Prophet in the role of The guy who made this mess according to The Hero Freedom Fighters
Some guys in the role of Peace No War Guys
Some other guys in the role of No Peace but kick butts, rock and roll, pussies, whiskey, coke and war
Scenario Number one:
Okay, here we go again... after a year passed by and we have seen many strange things that we had difficulty sometimes even to believe that it had really happened. For example a reloaded Cold War 2.0 between USA and Russia back in the middle 1990'ies was unimaginable for most of us. Then next example is the plane disappearance of MH370 a Malaysian flight took off from Kuala Lumpur early March in 2014 and was scheduled to arrive to Beijing next day, however it had gone with the wind into the thin air without a trace. And also another Malaysian plane got into trouble over Donetsk a war torn region in East Ukraine aka West Russia. It is again the same old problem that our grandfathers and their grandfathers lived through wars over territory claimed by two different groups like in the Second World War for example Adolf Hitler claimed much of the German lands lost as a result of the First World War and so was with Hitler's allies like Hungary or Austria. People tend to forget easily about World Wars or even if they know about them they have no idea why did actually ended up our world in a total war?!! Austro-Hungarian Empire. Does it ring a bell for some? Yes, the biggest and most dominant power in the late 19th Century the late 1800's and early 1900's. In Europe the other dominant countries started to worry that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is getting to strong and again there were territory disputes from every angle you can imagine. Why is so actual to say: "History repeats itself." What is happened in front of our very eyes in Iraq now with the "Dogs of Hell" or as they call themselves Islamic State, again it is the exact same problem that humanity had to live, fight, watch, survive through over and over again 100, 500, 1000 years ago and before.
Question: "When will it stop finally?"
Answer: "It will stop eventually when people will read a small book from Saint-Exupery - The Little Prince."éry/

We saw horrible things, awful, bad, terrible things, pain, death, sicknesses, diseases, one person killed the other, tortured or humiliated driven by greed, power, orders, control or simple selfish joy. Some soldier in some war once asked his fellow captured inmate in a concentration camp: "Why did that officer shot him in the head?"- and looked at his fellow man with tears in his eyes those were tears of fear and shocked by a senseless death of a human being caused by another human being. Those tears talked without words about non-understanding and asked a question if even the dogs won't kill other dogs then why we human do... When suddenly he was back to the present reality as his fellow prisoner answered: "Just killed him. That officer just killed him because he could do it."-that was even more disappointing then the fact itself that one of them was dead. Life and death is a part of every human being but death has no meaning, it makes no sense unless we give a sense or meaning to our own death by saving others. Nowadays young confused people justify their suicide attacks by God. And kill many innocent or guilty other human beings. But I remember we the alpha-males we had different hero images like those guys in that Russian Nuclear Submarine where one reactor over-heated and they had to manually cool it down otherwise I would not write this article now, and you would not read it, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi would not be a self appointed Caliph of the Islamic State in Iraq as he would have not been born or even if he would, then he also would be long dead with all the rest of us and every other living creatures of this planet.
We are all dead now in an alternative universe where on that Russian Nuclear Submarine no one would have raised hands for the call of volunteers to go in to a sealed nuclear chamber to cool that overheated nuclear reactor. We are lucky as we are living in this reality where that reactor on that Russian Submarine was cooled down by volunteers who sacrificed their lives to save ours, and the world.
So we had been saved but let's do it worthwhile if already we are here!
Let me continue with a revelation if some of you didn't know Kobani a town in Northern Syria was liberated January 25th in 2015 by the Kurdish Peshmerga in other words YPG, PKK and some other groups like the German and Dutch Motorbike Gangs, and also many brave civilian from all over the world joined to fight the "Dogs of Hell" otherwise known as Daesh or Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, and they also had many other names but the best describes them evil dogs of hell.
USA was a great help in this fight with prompt and accurate airstrikes as well as some other countries such as UK, and France and Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.
But how many of you knew that the Kurdish Forces actually Marxist-Leninist ideologically driven guerrilla fighter groups and some of them are on the list of terrorists organisations by UN.
What a nice twist! Isn't it? USA and the communists are fighting hand in hand in Syria and also hand in hand with Iran in Iraq.
So, let us investigate this a bit more in details. As they say in that famous quote: "The devil is in the details"
United States Army brought peace and democracy with more bombs dropped on that small agricultural country called Vietnam and they used and dropped more bombs on the farmers of Vietnam that was used during the whole time in the Second World War in total by all countries involved in it!
US bombed those peasants back to the stone age, and in the mean time killed their own at home, for no good reason! Race, hatred, just keen to beat the ** out of someone. No one knows exactly why did they actually ordered that blood bath on the Bloody Sunday in Selma. The Edmund Pettus Bridge became well known after King and his followers marched over that bridge even so, they knew very well what waits ahead of them over the bridge.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr a Baptist Pastor with his followers
Dr Martin King was a figure back then like today we have Julian Assange and Ed Snowden or Chelsea Manning and actually we also had a good few for example Aaron Schwartz, Michael Hastings. A figure of controversy but it was not really science to see that Dr King was right and those who tried to make him look like he is a controversial figure was wrong. History proved it. And it will prove it again regarding Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Michael Hastings or Aaron Schwarz.
They are all considered threat by the same government that considered Dr King also a threat, an enemy of the state.
J Edgar Hoover a sick crossdresser fanatic private secret-collector in US politics kept Dr King a dangerous threat to the nation and did all his best to get rid of Dr King
So, please don't believe the hype of FOX NEWS and other paid new media that privately owned by Israeli double nationalities. Mostly in position today you will find people with dual citizenships Israeli/American in the United States everywhere you see!
The Dallas born stubborn "second hand car dealer type" president LBJ and one of the greatest of all mankind Dr Martin Luther King Jr
USA launched a wrath of war on Vietnam with fire and hell on every living soul under the same sun but many miles away from Washington the District of Columbia. DC and me wondering how many of you know what the DC is stands for and why? In another article I will detail it out. Back to Vietnam the war started just because LBJ didn't want to lose voters and his reputation as a president. His concern was about his political carrier but not the lives of thousands poor american guys giving up their lives for a truly unjust, wrong, filthy, terrible, most biggest shameful act, an attack and the a full blown war on a peaceful farmers and peasants on the other side of this planet!

LBJ the former president of the Great United States has some adopted children on his name in Vietnam. These kids are LBJ's own creation with the affect of the Agent Orange many kids born like this today as their parents, grandparents breath chemical agents instead of air for years thanks to LBJ and the great United States
In LBJ in his twisted mind he compared himself to a truly great President of USA, President Franklin D. Roosevelt or FDR. President FDR was in charge of the USA during a 4 terms long unprecedented presidency. President FDR was a man of ambitions who truly believed in the future, the greatness of mankind and also he truly believed that we are far from perfect but we just keep on trying to be better and better which ultimately will lead us to make our dream come true about a non violent happy healthy society where all nations live in peace with one another and beyond. He had a war in his time of presidency and LBJ again in his twisted mind believed that a president needs a war to become a truly important historical figure and that war will put his name up to the Hall of fame for the Best US Presidents next to the american nations father President FDR.
There are people for favour of wars and violence as they use wars as a tool to their success what ever they measure or consider under "success". Bibi Netanyahu on the left about him not much needed to be said one word will do: evil. And on the right is Barry Soetoro a Kenyan or Hawaiian born president who managed to become the first president with ultimate license to kill anyone on this planet who he thinks is a bad guy
Note: I have a feeling that Bibi and Barry will also have some sick kids around the world in the future like LBJ. The US Army is like a Tourist Group travelling far away from home visiting countries that not even on the map, the US Marines seem to be present everywhere just like a German tourist in the 80'ies with a Konica in his neck but these guys have no Konica, they have an M-16 instead
LBJ was wrong and he was a greedy psychopath with the biggest power of this world in his dirty hands and he was a coward so he wasn't sure if he should bomb Vietnam at first and hesitated as he measured that the war will put blood on his anyway bloody hands but so far the public wasn't aware of his secrets.
He feared that he will lose support from the public because of the war in Vietnam other than that he was not interested if 100 dies, 2000 or a million dies there. That wasn't in his mind for a second and he as a good business man made a calculation and evaluated the situation in favour of the war on Vietnam. Of course that money or lets say bribe he received from the Bell and other Industries involved in military machinery production helped him a lot to make this decision.
Just a quick reminder who was one of the start witnesses on the hearings of the Warren Commission, this is Mrs Ruth Paine who coincidentally could speak Russian and befriended Marina Oswald at the time the Oswald's moved to the Dallas area. And coincidentally his husband's family elders founded the Bell Helicopter company that produced the famous Huey Helicopters.
The Huey became a symbol of U.S. combat forces in Vietnam and millions of people worldwide watched it fly in TV news reports. At its peak in March 1970, the U.S. military operated more than 3,900 helicopters in the war in Vietnam and two thirds of them were Hueys, coincidentally. Of course.
The Vietnamese NEVER meant any threat to the US homeland. Never. Not before the war, not during the war and not after the war! But that small destroyed country is still recovering from the great democratic and peaceful bombs of the United States of America!
Democracy is coming! Do you guys understand? De... I mean D E M O C R A C Y!
"Oh, well the fact that they are dead is sad, on the other hand that doesn't mean they could not have been terrorists!"
Many of you do not even know that every Goddam day another kid blows himself up as they still find US bombs, mines under the ground that was not detonated and it is still an on going murder by the greatest country of all as they like to think about themselves, the United States!
How great these murderous US Army men and US politicians are! How amazing they are! US backs terrorist up all over the world where is no fire then the US sends some CIA guys to go there to ignite one!
And finally now the so long waited democracy has arrived!
Wars, regime changes-as they say if they don't like a government of a country- they call it regime, spark riots in order to create chaos and revolt against a foreign country's leadership and black ops, wars that did not happen officially are all the specialities of these decent CIA men of the great free United States. They attack anyone anywhere anytime. Just like they did in Chile 1975, CIA got rid off the most popular men in the history of Chile, an amazing human being a real example for the world who could won a war a revolution without violence! And he was 99% popular and elected democratically as the whole Chile loved him! But he was not a friend of US as you know people who has good heart are condemning what US did , do and will do in the future!
So, they removed this great genius Salvador Allende who is still a hero in Spain, and every Spanish speaking country! And what US gave to the world to replace this great man? The most brutal dictator ever called Pinochet who murdered thousands of people in his first year after the Military Coup and set his corrupt military government up and when he felt his power was backed up by US he went on to order the murder over a million people, simply on political interest! Thanks for that USA! Really! And US backed him up, All the way!
Salvador Allende a national hero of Chile, a man who had a whole country behind him and the inventor of non-violent revolution, as not a single gun shot needed to win his revolution
And the man who betrayed Allende and his country Chile, Augusto Pinochet who had not a single man behind him from his own but look who is shaking the bloody hands of this evil, brutal, psychopath Dictator Pinochet, yes it is none other than our "beloved" Henry Kissinger. They killed Allende and about 2 million people in Chile who dared to say the name loud publicly: Allende present! Both died in bed of old age. How sad... Pinochet was on the run after it became clear he is the most successful serial killer Dictator of Chile backed by the great US
Note: Kissinger may not be dead just yet as in the US he lived like a king, thats normal after you destroy countries, kill-murder millions by mistake or error, old intelligence or just launched a war based on lies that is no problem in the Great USA, but if you dare to steal a chicken 3 times, you end up in the execution room my brother - 3 strikes law. In order to avoid prosecution my advise to kill millions rage war on Vietnam or a country that is much smaller than the US and has oil or some resources then you will be a respected man, a man of honour and all the rest of like Kissinger. Or shell I say Bush? Which one? Both?
But you know what it is still nothing! US with the Belgians got rid of Patrice Lumumba who was like Nelson Mandela but stronger and more popular in the Congo. A smart young handsome lawyer who was all about freedom, no segregation and no oppression and he loved people and people loved him all over the world! In France they had admired him so much they had a University about him! And what did this great nation US do to him? Guess what? Tightened him to a tree with a rope in the middle of the summer night under the same sun that still shines on all of us and murdered him.
The Congo before it was taken over the CIA and their insane serial killer Dictator Mobutu had her own Nelson Mandela and his name was Dr Patrice Lumumba
Patrice Lumumba in the hands of the CIA and their Congolese henchmen captured and turtured the young lawyer before they decided to murder him as he had too many bruises so it would look bad in the papers...
Without trial handcuffed to a tree and shot to death. Obviously blamed on the Congolese Soldiers ... yeah the world believed it and US did not stop here with their great plan for total destruction of the Congo! They set another vicious bloody dictator up replacing Patrice Lumumba a pacifist humanist who has a spirit like Muhammad Ali had... with another murderer called Mobutu! This psychopath worked for you! How nice isn't it?
America the land of the free, and home of the brave no actually home of the slaves and friend of the murderers like the so called Butcher of Zaire! As this crazy Mubutu changed the name of the Congo to Zaire and killed about 5 million people during his long time in power backed up all the way by whom? YES!! Again the great United States of America! And it is still not over my dear friend! We didn't talk about Cuba! We didn't talk about the incident called Gulf of Tonkin or Bay of Pigs? Ring a bell?
These are the murderous wrongdoings of USA and one of the worst was in Indonesia! USA removed a democratically elected government that was supported by 90% of the people and set a military dictatorship but they realised well we have no army! The army refuse to work for us, so no problem! The hero comes to save the day again USA sends troops to train the new enforcers! As there was no one else available the CIA turned to organised crime and gave them money weapons and trainings to kill the army, and take over on the military and kill everyone who disagrees until the situation will be under control. It was kept secret for long it just came out recently when those killers now got old men and share their stories and Werner Herzog made an excellent documentary on it called: "ACT OF KILLING"- anyway thanks to the freedom fighters of America these paramilitary criminal groups managed to kill over 1,5 million people everyone who had any connection to the Socialist Government, everyone and their family members too! Also killed everyone who was Chinese, or had anything to do with China. And so on.... how beautiful is this USA the land of the free.... and we didn't even talk about Che, not even about EL Salvador, Korea, Hungary and many many more... slowly USA attacked everyone in a way or another or friends of their friends.
Wouldn't it be nice if USA would just stay in USA?
No more illegal attacks on nations like in Libya. Ukraine. Just stay home and deal with your own country please!
I was actually an admirer of the USA but since JFK was assassinated US seems to be on a downhill and going down fast... transformed from a great idealistic country to a rude, ignorant, arrogant, aggressor that follows no international laws neither cares about the constitution of UN and not about its own constitution of the USA either!
So, actions speak louder than words and the actions of US is clearly became evil, wrong, not for the interest of the American People any longer and the US ain't no any good for the any country either but Israel!
The once so great country the USA was silently overtaken by some foreign and other corrupt elements and forces through bribery and corruption and now it is running lose... an enormous power of money and military power in the hands of some really dangerous people. Eg.: G W Bush or his father, or LBJ or Nixon or anyone since JFK. Only Reagan was a little bit different but actually he was always acting, even according to his own family and kids: "Our father, well we are not sure if we know who he was, and also not sure about that he was aware of about who he was for real as we had never knew him, we never saw who was he for real as person, we never had a real conversation, never! He was always acting out his role!" - so even if Mr Reagan seemed to be a nice honest guy he was I think so far out that he had no sense of reality at all. This is why everything went downhill. He later lost his mind and we actually don't know when was that point when he lost it. I remember saw him and Nancy dancing in a ball-room in diamonds and fame, while riots were in LA weeks ago. Same thing with LBJ he also danced with Lady Bird the Viet Nam war away in the same time poor American young guys were tricked into an unjust, wrong, terrible war to die there and they did so.
But its sad. Sad... Do you really this is what you want your country to be? Your media is controlled and giving you a brainwashing program to maintain that US is right whereas the whole world knows the US is totally wrong, spying on Merkel, all of us, kills leaders , destroys nations, creates wars, supplies weapons to Terrorists all over the world!
What is this? What does it need to be stopped?
In the UK people are not happy, and stopped the war on Syria in 2013 as UK based US puppets wanted to go on and be the next Tony Blair and launch a war on Syria again based on a lie. But the people in UK too off the streets and stopped him to do so!
Soon to be continued...