
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Message to my American friends...

Money and profit are the roots of every problem, conflict and war we have in our society.
It is greed that drives this insanity to gain more money and more wealth therefore more power! 
I always, not I, the whole world knew outside USA that the CIA works and does, did and will do horrible terrible wrongdoings all over the world. They are not responsible for their actions, as they do not even tell anyone what they do! They just do it.
It is started long back in the days of JFK. He realised that this organisation can easily get out of hand and then it will be big mess and difficulties to gain control back over them. And add this scenario up with the money that is being made every day due to the work of CIA and the Military then you will get what the good old President Eisenhower called the infamous "Industrial Military Complex".

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro said once about the USA:
"Well, I like them, the American people are nice in general, and their President is also a nice fella (JFK), but the problems they have is bigger than they could solve it, the power is in the hands of  some evil corrupt criminals that like a money hungry giant evil octopus reaches over every single one of them in the politics in a way or another! The whole system is corrupt as a whole, even as individuals I am sure that they are all nice people!"

 Che and Fidel fought for the poor, equality and more fair share of wealth within a society!

And the truth hurts I know, it makes me sad too, but I agree with them. The good is weaker than to defeat money and power in the US politics. And we as we believe in ourselves and we are good that is what and how we think about them too, and it makes hard to believe that it isn't what we believe in... but after so many scandals, injustice in wars, fraud, and cheating and lies as Nixon's Watergate one in a million, JFK and Oswald with the Magic Bullet, then the Bay of Pigs that was denied first then accepted and apologised for it, Chile in '75 the USA invaded a sovereign country and killed Salvador Allende a 100% popular democratically elected president and replaced with the most brutal Dictator Augusto Pinochet, then the CIA showed up in Bolivia and killed Che Guevara. First they reported that the "terrorist" died in a combat, then it quickly became clear that it was another lie so they blamed the Bolivians, and vice-versa. Then we saw Agent Orange in Vietnam, and many other things that was kind of war-experiments by the US Army, it was even too much for the Army. The most unreasonable and unpopular war ever Vietnam. I talked many Vietnamese about this war, you guys in the US have no idea what your leaders and army did there...and all for what? DOLLARS! Vietnam would never meant threat to the homeland of USA.
Then we had Indonesia over a million innocent people killed and their families too if they had anything to do with Socialism or have a Chinese relative (Secretly again another coup against a democratically elected Government overthrown and replaced with a Military Dictatorship but they had not enough people so they paid for criminal gangs, to get their killer machine: WERNER HERZOG- ACT OF KILLING a documentary about it.

It is very sad. And we had also many smaller ugly deals El Salvador, Colombia, 1956 in Hungary the CIA promised to the opposition of the Communist Government to back them up if they take up arms and fight so in 1956 the "Boys from Budapest" believed what the CIA told and picked up their arms, guns and started a "revolution" behind the Iron Curtain in 1956 this was impossible, Hungary was under the control of USSR and 4 days later Moscow sent 3500 tanks and killed 21000 15 to 45 years old revolutionary fighters who were waiting for the last second of their lives for the back up that was promised by the  CIA and that will come and save them! It had never came. They all died. Thank you USA or CIA for this one too! And this list is very long you see? We did not even get to Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria, Libya, etc. 

We have ISIS with criminals from all over the world West, East, Chechnya, Australia all gangsters converting to Islam as they get 100USD per day to do what they do best: terror, crime, murder, violence, and so on...

 Murderer psychopaths for money doing their favourite hobby: beheadings and torture!
All this under the name of peace and Islam... no one believes it, neither them, but its an excuse for their crimes!

Now Ukraine? Better not even to mention...

Tanybok the great leader of the New Ukraine... one of the many new great leaders thanks to the US!

One honest smile is always comes right from the heart, isn't it Vicky?

Vicky Nuland is definitely not the right person to deal with wars, click for her video!

You guys Americans I like you, but you have to open your eyes! Just please do not be ignorant and check the history from other sources than your FOX NEWS or other propaganda channels. Oliver Stone or Michael Moore is a good start.

You will understand many things just listen and open your ears and eyes. Thats all you need to do! 
Do not believe me! Just check it yourselves!

God Bless USA!

Operation started in Syria according the latest news on 09.22. in 2014 the USA and its allies hit many ISIL/ISIS compounds:

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Rik Clay was wrong about 2012 it is 2014 and it is none other than ISIS the Most Evil...

Rik Clay was an according to the Wikipedia...oops there is no information about him at all. Strange at least. But I found this website so please take a look who was he and what was he about:
Website about Rik Clay

Rik was working on until his sudden death to expose Zionism in numerology and mainstream media outlets logos such as the most famous logo of the Olympics of 2012.

The logo spelled ZION with a little bit of play around with the numbers, however Nick was on the right path but wrong with the date.
The date that is so important is not 2012, but the year that we are living in right now: 2014.
Play around with the numbers and you will see what I mean easily puzzled out from 2 0 1 4 to
 Z I O N. The 4 is more about to figure an "N" than the 2. Same play with the numbers but the "4" is the "N".

It is an important part. In 2014 so many things happened already that we did not experienced in the last 25 years. Or even more!

And add the events up with the Georgia Guidestones mysterious messages and recent unexplained events around the Stones such as someone removed a block in 2009, and now in September 2014 (no exact date is known) replaced with another block written a number on it, the number 20 14.

The most distressing message of the Stones

And the removed later replaced block with the number 20 14 on it

And now it is very important to pay attention for next few words and video!

Lets have it first a name: Miss Christine Lagarde. IMF aka International Monetary Found's leader... was until few weeks ago she is under investigation of money laundering and many other fraud related serious crimes!
She was born into a world of money and power, many says she is an occultist witch. You decide.

It started with a new years speech from Christine Lagarde from IMF:

 Occult Message in 2014 new years speech of IMF leader

(Note: Since is getting some heat for fraud and some other money laundering activity that she was obviously doing all over and all around.)

Christine, 2 0 1 4 ~ ZION and beyond:

And why is this year is important? The answer lies already front of us:

- Israel bombs Palestine "Gaza" as they never did before with extreme number of casualties and deaths. It happened front of our own eyes and we did nothing, we went to work as we usually do on any day of a working week.

Save Israel, kill the Evil:

While in the mean time:

Revelation Number One

The Evil appears and shows himself to the world!
His name is so long and fake I do not bother to write it down, lets just call him Dracula.

And his followers the "nice peaceful religious Muslims":

The Marks of the Most Evil:

- ISIS carved its name into our minds, hearts and the heart of the Middle East itself, literally. ISIS stands for Islamic State Iraq and Syria, formerly known ISIL that spells Islamic State Iraq and the Levant (Levant is the name of a larger territory that includes many countries such as Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and many more and also Israel!).

It came suddenly into the knowledge of the public that there is a group that kills, rapes, tortures thousands of people under the flag of Islam and in the name of Jihad. We did not see so brutal snuff videos that surfaced weekly in this year and mostly all connected to these guys, the Islamic State Jihadists, the so called ISIS. They brutally murdered over 1700 Iraqi soldiers in Tikrit and only God knows how many more in Mosul, but beheadings, crucifixions and everything that comes with a barbaric view of the Sharia Law such as any music is banned, and you can be killed for no more reason but you wear a Nike T-Shirt. Lately they call themselves: The Islamic State and claimed a large land of Iraq and Syria as their own with many oil-fields in it. They also appointed a Caliph and re-established a long demolished form of Islamic State the so called Caliphate with a Caliph. This new Caliph would be their murderous, Dracula type guy, all in black with a very ugly and evil face sits on a long "homeless style" beard and on his head to make it more scary a black Turban. He wears a black bed-sheet type dress and a flashy expensive watch. So, it is a pretty mixed up group. They recruited everyone who would accept their ideology aka to kill anyone who disagrees or Shi'ite.

Revelation Number Two

Deception mixed up with prophecy and a bit of truth and a bit of lie aka. Today:

- Ukraine Crisis also in the same time. Ukraine at the beginning of this year 2014 started a protest peacefully to remove the country's PM namely Victor Yanukovitch. This protest ended up by the mid-year a full blown civil war, or war between Ukraine and Ukraine or Ukraine and Pro-Russian Ukrainians or Ukraine and Russia. They say different stories what had happened. What really happened was US and the West used the protest as an opportunity to buy Ukraine. And so they did.
They bought Ukraine and set a new puppet government from former criminals, no-nazi's and a boxer from Germany, "Klitch" as Vicky Newman called him in the famous (outrageous) speech of hers: "...Fuck the EU!..."-this is how a US consul handles diplomacy in a foreign country.
Anyway, we just watched this proxy war and Israel was bombing and bombing in Gaza.

2014 continue:
Two more interesting stories we can mention before we go any further:
- Malaysian MH370 Disappeared
- Malaysian MH17 Crashed allegedly shot down (30 minutes after the crash the case was solved by the hero Ukrainian Government and their suspect: Russia aka Putin's Missile stated all newspaper with no credibility whatsoever. 30 minutes is not enough for a plane crash to investigate what happened, it requires usually a year or two.

The two planes are identical:

And back to Israel and Palestine now we need to also mention a case of a kidnapped teenager from Palestine, who was kidnapped and burnt alive. It was a response for another kidnapped teenagers case just a week earlier from Israel it was reported that 3 teenagers are missing and later found dead, all shot to the head from close range. This was the beginning of the Israel and Palestine bombing 2014 mass murder project.

Bibi and Arik hard-core Zionists friends were and even now Arik Sharon is passed away, Bibi takes the lead and march forward according to "the plan"!

And now see why was Rik right, and where was Rik wrong! 

Rik was working on his investigations way beyond 2012 and the London Olympics, and those days we all heard about the "our world ends" theory from the Mayan's. So, he was focusing on 2012 as everyone else. However, if we just go through what had happened since then we might can well say in fact our world has ended in 2012 in a strange sense. We have seen things, events, conflicts since that we have never seen before, or at least we didn't have to experience these things very long time ago! Things like the killing of Lee Rigby, one of us, our boy, our soldier, who was brutally murdered at his homeland, on the streets of London. Two daemons came out from their shadows and attacked deadly our soldier and took Lee's life. 

That was our soldier, who would have given his life for us to live in peace at home, unfortunately he was not safe in his home, attacked brutally killed by two mentally disturbed islamic terrorists 

They proudly explained to the by-standers why did they do it. They blamed our Government, more exactly blamed the foreign policy of our government. However, Britain was not at war at that time, we left Afghanistan and Iraq long time ago, so we in fact were not involved in any conflicts. Therefore these two either lost their minds or was a provocateur. 

The twisted reasoning of an evil murderer, click for the video!

One of the crazed killers of a true hero, Lee Rigby, I do not write down his name, as he has no name but his name is killer

Then they were arrested, sentenced to life imprisonment. However, the leader, the mastermind behind this attack as so many times in the history before, again walked free, and stayed clear. Anjem Choudary. The infamous British hater Islamic "Teacher", I would better call him an Islamic Terrorist. This "decent man" Anjem was the teacher of the two killers of our dear soldier Lee Rigby. The evil dwarf ugly Anjem was happy to see us crying, and in pain for the terrible death of Lee Rigby. Anjem was enjoying himself that his plan worked out, he could radicalise these two confused young men and they finally committed that shameful killing that Anjem wanted to do so much, but he wasn't brave enough to do it himself, he asked others to do the dirty work, while he was delighted by every minutes of this sad event. He loudly outspoken in protection of the killers and tried to justify their crime, but the Brits are so patience and nice, that they even let Anjem to say what he wanted to say, as England is a free country and land of freedom of speech. Things change. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech but if you talk about things that make others harm, well that is something else... Anyway, evil dwarf ugly Anjem stayed free for a while.

 Anjem the evil soul with full of hate tries to justify the murder of Lee, click here! 

The ugly dwarf with a long dirty beard, dresses like a man who lived 500 years ago, Anjem is fake and fraud, he was born in the UK and lives off of social money from the Government. It is no doubt that the evil is present as well as false prophets like Anjem

Soon will be continued... (Sorry, I have no time to write always, I am not rich, I need to work a regular job, not like these guys above who never had ever a regular job in their lives except Rik!)