Meet the Kurds and their deadly army called Peshmerga

Kurdish Peshmerga Troops fight to stop the Islamic State terror group advances to gain more territory in Iraq
Dear Readers,
It started off as a comment on You Tube but ended up being a more in depth analysis of the current conflict in Iraq. My article was in my head days and weeks long about the situation in Iraq, but I just never get the around to actually, sit down and write about it, but now!
Yesterday, 10 Aug 2014. The White House more precisely President Obama addressed the people of the United States and the world about the authorisation of US Air Strikes in Iraq, as a reaction for the call for help of the President of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki. The situation is escalated to a point where the US cannot simply sit back and wait to see what happens next, when thousands of people forced to leave their homes and wondering with all their belongings in bags on their backs to find safety from the most evil, brutal and animalistic terrorist group that the world had ever seen in modern times that is called ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Most recently they call themselves just IS refereed to their new Caliphate that their leader, Abu Bakr Al-Bagdadi announced in Jun 2014 after they took over Iraq second largest city, Mosul.
So far, there was no one else but the Kurds, who stood up and fought against ISIS. The Army of Iraq simply abandoned their positions and fled the scene in many cases without a fight. Meanwhile, the rest of the world watched how ISIS stormed throughout Iraq and northern Syria and carved a new country out of the the two, that they call: Islamic State. (IS)
The geography of Iraq is complex as on the west there Is Syria, Lebanon and on the east there is the old enemy, now maybe ally Iran, on the south Saudi Arabia and on the north, there are the most forgotten nation ever the Kurds in Kurdistan.
They suffered a lot during the years from left and right they were attacked all the time!
This made them to be like a lion that is constantly aware of some type of danger is just about to attack from somewhere.
But I have to love these people! The Kurds and their Peshmerga is the bravest in this planet!
They are small and not well equipped army but stand still against the MOST EVIL GROUP of this planet the devil itself called ISIS!
Islamic State? While they are beheading Muslims? In Syria ISIS just captured 75 SAA soldiers and beheaded all of them.
So if there would be any question in your mind about ISIS now I think you know who they are!
The most evil terror group on earth who wants to rule the world and in disguised as a righteous religious Islamic Group, but in fact I guess they did not even read once the Quran as if they would have then they would known better.... Allah never asked them to destroy Churches, mutilate corpses, rape women, behead captured soldiers, and in fact Allah never wanted to attack anyone other than react to attacks on Islam.
There was no attack on Islam. They could live in peace with Shia, Kurds, Christians, Arabs, Jews but ISIS chose not to live in peace! They want to kill and murder everyone who oppose them!
It is sad to see so much waste of human life, efforts, energy and destroying ancient historical buildings all over Iraq while they (ISIS) playing war games with every single country around them...
Well lets see who are the good guys here and who are the bed guys!
Just for those who didn't already know it!
Since ISIS came to Syria, the FREE SYRIAN ARMY lost their fight, lost their revolution against Bashar Al-Assad thanks to ISIS.
ISIS beheaded, shot in the head all captured FSA soldiers like HASSAN JAZRA who was a real hero in the eyes of many in Syria.
FSA was fighting for 3 years with the worst weapons, in the most harsh conditions against Bashar's Syrian Arab Army and after 3 years of fight some new front opened against them. They were attacked by Bashar's Army and ISIS fighters as well as Jabhat Al-Nusra.
FSA was the real syrian revolutionary army but 3 years fight weakened them enough that the fresh and well trained and equipped groups like ISIS could easily attack FSA strongholds one by one and destroy them in their own home towns.
FSA was still fighting and did not give up their revolution but regardless they wanted or not it was stolen by the DAESH aka EVIL JIHADIST TERRORISTS like ISIS.
Then ISIS attacked Al-Nusra too, beheaded their commanders, attacked them while they were asleep and also fought here and there with Bashar's SAA.
Stop here for a moment: Now I hope some of you can slowly understand why President Bashar Al-Assad was in a very complex and dangerous situation...?!
But the President is a very intelligent man, and brave man who loyal to his country and loyal to his people. He did not do anything else but trying to stop terrorists in Syria.
From scratch it was a set up!
Unfortunately many of you and many of the Free Syrian Army didn't recognise it that it was a trap. Back in 2011 in the time of the protest against the regime of Assad, there was something else next to the peaceful Syrian protesters...another invisible force got into action! And it is an old tactic, called "Agente Provokateur" , which means Agents of Provocation among the lines of the Syrian Protesters...
When President Bashar sent his Army to stop violence and to avoid bloodshed between the protesters ... the Agents of Provocations activated themselves and acted like:
A. either as a protester and called for fight against Bashar's Army with carefully planned slogans and when the situation escalated enough they pulled out their guns and shot to the lines of Police and Army of Bashar.
B. or acted as a Syrian Arab Army soldier in uniform and when the time was right activated themselves among the SAA lines and shot into the crowd of peaceful citizens on the protest.
Suddenly, anger was created and the Syrian people were torn apart to those who understand it what really happened at the beginning (They stayed with Bashar Al Assad up to now today!) and others who fell into the trap of a well planned staged chain of events and became a part of it as opposition.
Again stop here for a minute: "Create a conflict. Wait until it escalates if it won't then ignite it. Wait again and see pain and suffer. When enough blood covered the ground then come up with a solution for the problem and be a Saint who helped Syria out of this deadly crisis. So, do you think President Bashar wanted this? Why would he want to fight a bloody civil war for years and destroy his own beautiful country?
Is he a coward? No. He is not. He stayed unlike many of other presidents in other conflicts and countries like Egypt, Ukraine just recently, Yanukovich was running so fast to leave his own country like a professional Marathon-Runner!
So, again here is a question: Why didn't Bashar flee? Is he a coward?
No he isn't. He stayed and stood still against foreign terrorist forces backed up other countries secretly. And he did all he could to stop these terrorists!
Unfortunately, his opposition the FSA and the Revolution of Syria and their leaders did not see this picture clear enough, their eyes was blurred by the victory of their fight and just went along with what ever may came into their way.
Sadly, they were wrong. Many people died for nothing.
And President Bashar knew it. He had only few choices to left on his desk:
- Give up and then Syria will fall into the hands of (DAESH) Radical Islamist like ISIS.
- Or fight and try to clean up the country with the less casualties and damage.
It was a no win situation, but he had to choose the less bad choice, which is to protect the country against the hand of foreign forces! Invaders, criminals, separatists, terrorists, jihadists, and many more people who just came for a killing spree for free in Syria. Thats what the EVIL RADICAL ISLAMIST GROUPS hoped for!
They could call for all Muslims of the world to come and fight Jihad in Syria to save the Syrian people from a Tyranny Government and a Dictator!
And the false prophets activated themselves all over the world from Sweden to Kenya, they started to invite young confused Muslim men to join to their Holy Duty to save the poor, sick, innocent people of Syria and fight Jihad there.
And so these lost young souls gathered and went to Syria to join the revolution to help destroy the "Dictator and his Regime".
In fact: No one called them to Syria! The Revolution did not call anyone from foreign countries to come and fight in Syria! The FSA didn't call them either!
So who called them then?
Yes, now you already figured it out! The EVIL RADICAL TERRORISTS!
Because these radicals knew that no one would join them if they tell them who they are for real, if they would tell them they want to fight Jihad in Iraq instead of Syria and later another countries too, and slowly but surely fight to rule the world!
The terrorists know it can only be reached by millions of dead people all over the place and possibly nuclear attacks and also possibly wipe the half of the population of this planet and put humanity back in time of the Crusades of Muslims. The old Ottoman Empire and so on. Public executions and fear, death everywhere the eyes could see...
The MONEY factor: Capitalism, is for profit, to make money out of anything! A free market and a paradise for the millionaires!
So they smell money in this conflict and guess what? They jumped in right in the middle of it!
However, they are only capitalists, money-makers but no expertise of the local area, traditions, environment and culture! About ethnic groups they had even less idea...
They were there to do the same that they always do: PROFIT!
So, the money maker machine started to get into gear and they analysed, measured, planed, designed, forecasted, predicted, and so the end they decided it is time to do it!
They figured Bashar is not good for them, they need their man in Bashar's chair!
So, to get what they wanted they went on to support the Syrian Opposition. But which opposition? There were many groups basically all the same but all different in the same time. They picked some they knew from Iraq. They figured they knew them gave them the most advanced weapon-technologies, financial help, trainings, all they just needed to take over Bashar's Regime.
However, it was not a well known fact, for real it was a secret.
And when time passed by they saw things did not go according to their plan...bad news!
Surprise, surprise! The rebels with their new trainings and modern weapons decided that it is not just about Syria, it is about Iraq and Syria. In between some spraying of an M-16 they read the Quran and found some interesting informations that said Iraq and Syria is actually is not belonging to the people of Iraq or in the case of Syria to the People of Syria but both countries and some more according to the Quran belongs to them, Muslims. It doesn't matter what happened in the history in the past 2000+ years, if the Quran says it is for all Muslims around the world then it is just so.
So this was a wake up call! They took their new positions in Iraq and attacked city after city.
In meanwhile Bashar got some days off from work (Fighting the war on his own against like 20 different terrorists groups from all over the world! That was President Bashar Al Assad's work in the past 3,5 years.)
I hope now you slowly understand that he was actually a hero of Syria and the hero of the world to stand up and fight for his own people and for his own country against every single paid or cult religious terror groups from around the world.
Syria became a war zone where anyone could join a fight against Bashar....
Muslims, non Muslims, Jihadist or Communist it doesn't matter you could just go there with your AK-47 and kill others. Spraying bullets all over the place and in the mean time scream: Allah ahkbar.... Takbihr ... in's Allah and so on.... its estimated that about 1000 serial killers went over to rape children and kill them and others for fun in the name of a Jihadist Group. ISIS is the best in this as they do all that is evil and brutal!
Beheading is their sport and kill people by guns is their hobby.
It is all allowed in the name of Allah: to kill, to torture, to rape, to stone, to cut heads, legs, arms, hands, even genitalia off... or you can also cut a dead body into 4 pieces if you want and hang it to the main squares of a town.
Then the Capitalists realised their mistake but it was too late to do anything about it so they just kept quiet about it and dealt with their loss and deficit.
And still blamed Bashar, regardless that was by then obvious that the President of Syria was right when he said in his 2011 and 2012 speech that it is a very complex and very difficult situation that is also very sensitive and it means danger to the whole world.
During these days the most radical and most evil militia is ISIS that went over Iraq and now made a new country called Islamic State.
It would be more precise to call this new land: The Islamic State of the Satan and all his Demons.
Now, if you want to frighten your kids just tell them about the leader of this new state the Full Black Dressed, Black Bearded Caliph that is called Abu Bakr Al-Bagdadi, or more precise to call him just The Dracula of Islam and Iraq.
The Most Evil Person on Earth caused the death of millions
(Recently, killed 80 Yazidi men because he believed that they are the devils! And kidnapped 100 Yazidi women, sadly they are still held hostage in the hands of this insane evil man.)
Islamic Statanic State leadership:
Update: Some 17 countries agreed to form a special combat unit with the direct instruction of the take out of the leaders of this terrorist retarded organisation as they senseless killing must be stopped, they cannot just kill innocent people without other reason than their own insanity.
So SAS, CIA, Navy Seals, SFK, PPK, YPK, Danish Special Military Forces, Dutch Military Commandos, Peshmerga Special Forces and many more teams joined efforts on the ground in Iraq and Syria. They have many DAASH - ISIS terrorists captured already and as we do not behead them, they are still alive and well, maybe not well but alive and "singing like a bird" and telling all important, relevant informations about the whereabouts and military positions of the Islamic Retarded Satanic State's Leadership.
In other words, do not be surprised if you see headlines in the coming days that says another ISIS leader is dead.
The Special Forces are the most well trained forces on this planet, in combat, strategy, intelligence and all military tactics in their blood and they work like a military killing machines, robots.
They have all names. Positions. Ranks and crimes that each of these individuals committed in the last few months.
So, guys JUSTICE will be served and it is going right to the door step of the terrorists, they enjoyed killing handcuffed innocent people for months now it is the response from the people of the world against evil.
They can't hide or run away they have no where to run! The bombings of Obama was just a warming up for a show later that comes to al-Raqqa Province in Syria, the HQ of the Satanic State.
I don't want to detail all deaths from the members of ISIS, so I will just keep it updated by the leaders.
Another good news, the retarded leader of Al-Shabab also turned up dead as a direct result of a US Military attack. His name was some kind of Ahmed or Mohammed Abu Zubeyr Godane or Al-Godani. He died on the first day of September 2014 and was cut in 100's of pieces by a well positioned air-strike. Allah let him down again. Allah doesn't like him, ohh sorry Allah didn't like him as he was a murderer, killed over 67 innocent people last year in the massacre of a Shopping Mall in Kenya. Well deserved to be a dead man.
And the guys from US Army who finished him:
Detailed analysis of the Global Jihad:
- We pay TAX in Gold (Nothing else but Gold!)
- We convert to Islam and repent!
- Or we will be beheaded like James Foley or Steven Sotloff the two American hero who lost their lives in the hands of these retarded Jihadists.
( Note: In fact there is a guy that the media calls as "Jihadi John" he is a British born Pakistani or Somali descent and speaks Modern-Multicultural Eastern Londoner accent. The guy is a total brainless zombie his name is on the top of the list of every Special Forces to kill. So, he will be dead soon.)
Many people thinks that the former rapper is the man behind the mask of Jihadi John:
There is some similarity that is undoubtedly!
I don't want to jump into conclusion but if he is in fact this murderous evil guy who beheaded Jim Foley and Steven Sotloff, then his days are over, and justice will be served upon him here on earth! And soon.
Rapper times:
And now back to ISIS and their connections to other Terrorist Groups all under the flag of fake Jihad:
The Al-Shabaab operations:
Now to see a Global Jihad movement is some says it is too far fetched and it is not that serious, however I also find sources that says it is alarming that is happening now all around the world in the name of this "Fake Jihad" against a non-existent enemy of Muslims of the world.
The Picture of the connections of Global Jihadist Groups:
This Graphic Picture details the evil groups, and their leaders and their connections to the so called Global Jihad on us.
We really, do not understand people like Anjem Chaudhry ,as we give them all they wanted from freedom of speech to state benefits, but what they do with all help and kindness they were given? Using it in evil operations such as recruitments confused, lost young men from the peripheries of our society who has no jobs, or maybe got already into troubles with thea law and feels alone and helpless, then comes a Cleric like evil Anjem and directs them towards radicalism, hatred and fight against the"oppressed", in fact I think I am one of the oppressed people of the UK as I have to work two jobs, and study to survive. My hourly wage is under £8 and I work at nights. I work hard and study to improve myself and to be able to contribute to my society more!
Please see this Graphics of the connections between the movements of Evil of our times:
"Sex Bomb Sex Bomb you're my sex bomb..."- singed Tom Jones and now the Islamic Satanic State can sing also when they see this coming unto on their heads:
First they check who is sitting in the vehicles and where is Abu Bakr The Dracula Baghdadi, if he is not there as we expected because he is scared like a 5 years old little girl so we need to bomb the rest of the Islamic Satanic State Killers of the so called ISIS:
Drone takes measures and sends info back to the HQ's, and also drops few dozens targeted bombs.
Abu Bandi Al-dadan from Baghdadan I mean God knows their names they are always change it! They are like a teenage boys group! Revenge videos! If you do not give my plastic nintendo back I will behead your barbie... Hey you retards! Its not the kindergarden anymore! Wakey wakey you are called upon the strongest military power on earth. Its a suicide strategy. I assume their leader is crazy and wants to die anyway so he made up this plan to create a Caliphate that is just a dream of his insane mind and kept on telling lies to his people and now caught up in an enormous trouble they will all die under the hot Iraqi and Syrian sun. Assad and Obama just agreed few hours ago that Assad allows Obama to drop a nuke on Raqqa. Game over for this serial killer group. It was a stupid try anyway. Shame for all those many lives that has been lost for nothing but an insanity of a mad man Abu Birka Al-Dadani Dracula from Baghdad.
This is what comes to Mosul. And the real show will be in al-Raqqa, watch for the next few days! ISIS leaders will be on the run but the retards will run into the SAA in Syria, it has been prepared for them... so if they believe in Paradise then I would recommend to commit suicide for all members of ISIS, as this will be much worse:
Many ISIS terrorists are dead, and will be dead every day more and more!
Look for example this guy, he did not enjoy "Obama's message" actually, President Obama didn't give a damn about criminals like these rats, his men took care of these killers of innocent children and women, elderly and everyone who is not sharing their insanity and shows no fear of them.
Well, we do not fear, the Russian people know no fear, Chechens from Ramzan Kadyrov know no fear especially not from child-rapist and murderers of innocent people like this one below:
First they show with their fingers that something is coming from the sky and they are happy about it!
Most likely, they believed they can have some humanitarian aid from the US or something...
However, few minutes later this is what left from them:
So back to politics Assad is in the game and killing ISIS every day more than you could imagine!
And Obama made a deal with Assad, but pssh... secret!!!
Picture below shows Maliki and Assad in a recent meeting:
The holy Caliph of the Retarded Ismaic Satanic State meanwhile still in the work unfortunately for some poor innocent children, people and even animals and trees flowers the help comes too late:
No words to describe the horrors of abu Al-Baghdadi Dracula of ISIS, look what this Caliph did to that little girl, just because she was a Christian!!!
Thanks for the effort of rival Radical Islamist Terrorist Groups sometimes the executioner becomes executed and lose his head too! 6 member of the Islamic Satanic State the ISIS was beheaded.
Anjem Chaudary is a British born Londoner who supports beheadings and terror! Anjem likes to see other people being killed and he enjoys watching it from his safe London home.
Not for long anymore, as a group claimed that they will get rid of him! I mean not kill him just give him a lift to Syria to a rebel held territory, Anjem likes those people, he should go and stay there! By the way he will be deported anyway soon by the British Government.
And there you go: The most evil retarded psychopath on earth in the modern times! He has many names so we just call him retarded idiot serial killer, a brother of Jeffrey Dahmer and Saddam Hussein's gay imitator as many claims the self appointed Caliph is gay and like little boys to play with. It is sad. A pedophile serial killer and we need to spend so much money to go there and arrest him again like back in 2004. This crazy man was already in US jail. Next time I assume he will not get there, a bullet will stop that process, most likely a coward self-inflicted bullet wound to his temple. Sad story.
Islamic Capilph will not help poor or sick people, the Caliph kills them, cuts their throats and beheads them. This is how the "Islamic Leader" thinks about a peaceful world!Okay just imagine they would have rule the whole world and killed all their "enemies" after that they would start kill each other for made up reasons and at the end there would be no one else to kill or destroy, they would destroy everything, including themselves.
So when a man dressed in black with a long beard talks about how to rule the whole world that must ring a bell already! That person is far out from reality! And should be kept in a hospital to determine what exactly wrong with him, and what is his disease, etc.
Hallucinations, visions most probably a result of a serious menthal issue.
ISIS or now recently they new name is just IS after Islamic State became the PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE in the world.
So here we are in 2014 and we have to deal with people who believe in an imaginary Guy called Allah, and willing to die for this fantasy... Scientists should show them some of their stuff to wake these guys up.... There is no Paradise, and there is no God that saves you! If you are going to a war and got shot at then you ain't gonna go anywhere far! You stay there on the ground and bleed to death. After your death you will be dead and it is permanent like that, no virgins and no happy after-life just rotten flesh of your body that gets eaten by worms and insects. To be dead means you died and do not exists anymore. You will not walk again or talk again... you just kept be in silence and never move again....your soul left your body and gone with the wind.
There is nothing interesting anymore for you, if you messed yourself up and became a suicide bomber then I am sorry to tell you it was just another bad lie of some evil preacher or an evil Cleric and you will be nothing but a dead man...for nothing.
If the Clerics knows so well, why do they ask someone else to become suicide bomber instead being one of themselves!??
I will tell you: because they know they are false and they do not want to die, so they trick others to do the dirty job for them!
I am not against any religion but I am against violence! And if that brings violence if you are a Muslim then I am against your violence!
Killing of another human being is wrong, and cannot be justified based upon an old book.
These ISIS guys are running up and down in between Syria and Iraq and murdering everyone who comes into their way, and they don't even know them, they never talked to them or anything they are just killing them because: they have been told by their Emir.
Emir means leader. These each terrorists group of the evil ISIS have an Emir and that is the leader of the terrorist cell.
The Emir says for example tomorrow we are going to behead all "infidels" comes into our way! Then the soldiers (brain-dead-zombies mainly without any self-confidence or consciousness) will carry out the orders of their Emir even if it is deadly wrong and evil.
They already brought destruction and death, sorrow, pain to the world and they do not intend to stop. Few days ago they the so called Islamic State kidnapped 100 Yazidi women and beheaded 80 Yazidi men.
Reason: they were told to do so by their Emir, as their Emir believes that the Yazidi People are devils.
Well, the Yazidi People did not hurt anyone, neither attacked the Islamic State. So, who is the devil here then?
The Islamic State or the Yazidi's?
The question is hypothetical as everybody knows that the Islamic State is the one to blame and they are in fact evil and work for the devil.
Who would attack peaceful people without any reason? That is not a reason to kill and behead complete strangers that your Emir thinks they are devils... this is called: paranoia and schizophrenia!
Most likely the members and leaders of this Islamic Terror Group are serial killers, murderers and child-rapists.
Now they are held hostage about 100 Yazidi women. I cannot imagine what those poor women have to live through in this very moment too.
They are facing death and surrounded the most evil forces of the universe, the brain dead zombies of the Islamic State.
It is very sad that we have so many un-educated evil people on our planet in 2014. Who would join a group that kidnaps, kills, torture children and women?
By any means, there is no justification for such an act!
Shame on all who participate in such an act! And I am totally stunned to learn that some of the most evil people on earth are from Georgia, former USSR country, like Abu Omar Al-Shishani, who is from Georgia and was not a devoted Muslim but now he is one of the most evil terrorists of the earth.
Update: Some unverified sources claims that Tarkan is dead. It is yet to be confirmed so we are still waiting for confirmation.
Tarkhan is his real name, and he could be a good man on this world, but he was weak and gave up being on the good side as it is much easier to fill your heart with hatred and anger.
He joined Jihad after he finished his prison sentence in Georgia and quickly realised that is very profitable being a Jihadist Emir as he had nothing before in his all life and now suddenly after killing few hundred thousands of people in Syria, he has a nice luxurious Villa in Syria (Al-Raqqa) and all money that he just need to spend.... he lives now a luxurious high life while he walks on courpses... all his wealth comes from dead bodies, blood and stealing.
And all ISIS leaders are the same in this way. They had never held a regular job, they never worked for living they wanted to get rich quickly and wanted to be famous.
And if it takes to be a Muslim Jihadist the they will be one!
It is rather sad that these young lost souls are selling themselves to the devil just to get some money and respect in their groups.
Even if I wrote earlier I am not against any religion if they are peaceful but if you look at our history you will soon find out there is extremely large number of trouble that was caused by religions. Many people lost their lives throughout the history due to radical religions.
Is it worth it? No. We all know it. But some greedy people always comes up with a new idea how to use religion to make people do what they want and even though these people always failed like Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander or anyone who wanted to rule the world.
The Islamic State already failed before it was established. As it is founded on hate and war.
Their ideology is rather similar to a sect or a cult.
They are like the Nazi's were, as they hate everyone who is not like them. And they want to make everyone like them.
If you resists, or are useless for them then they will quickly find a doctrine from the Quran that says: You Must Die!
So they will kill you in front of many people, to scare them. As every Empire was always built on fear, and force.
The Islamic State is the same. No one can say anything against it, or if they will, then they will be executed.
To make it look like correct and good they say: you and everyone can advise the Caliph if he does wrong. But now when the Caliph did wrong, and killed many innocents and kidnapped children and women... well no one advised him to do otherwise! Why?
Because the Islamic State is built on fear. And the human nature is like this: if the majority will be silence and accepts what our leader does then the individuals will do the same purely from fear. They don't want to confront by fear. So they go along with all kind of nonsense!
Beheadings, crucifixions and many other extreme and insane nonsense!
If the Islamic State will fall and those members will be captured who are still alive they will blame their leaders: "I just did it because they told me to do it and I knew I would be killed if I resist! I just followed orders!" - the same old excuse that the Nazi's used when their trial was held after the Second World War.
It is sad, we have to live through the same horrible wars one after another and do the same mistakes over and over again!
However, I still have not lost hope in humanity, and I hope that the brutality and horror of the ISIS will be stopped soon, and we need to educate people better as we can clearly see again that "One crazy man can make 1000 more to follow him".
The situation is seem to be messed up from every corner as the Islamic State is trying to get the US and the West involved against them, they are calling for fight!
While, it is a suicide for them, they still do it.
If the US would intervene with troops on the ground that would mean the end of their Islamic State in a very short time.
So, I don't really know what they want. It is clear that they are not true Muslims and they do not follow the words of Allah either. So who they are then?
Only a bunch of criminals? Terrorists? Radical Islamic Jihad Fighters?
One is for sure: they do not want peace and they cause only pain, death and suffer for the whole world.
In their twisted minds they are putting it in a different prospective and present themselves like they are the saviours or the ones who's protecting peace and their women... I do not know what they talk about as they are mainly from Western Countries and their women are in safe, no one beheads them like they do with others. So their justification and presentation of themselves as the good samaritans are rather schizophrenic than anything else.
It is a 3 days wonder and as they (ISIS) commit more and more serious crimes against humanity so they will weaken their own lines and finally they will be stopped by the world.
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